Edit booking
Edit Customer
Use case : Edit details about the customer that booked, such as name, contact details, etc.
POST /booking.json/update-customer/{bookingConfirmationCode}
In the body of the POST request, supply a JSON representation of the customer details. All the fields are optional, so just specify the ones you actually want to update.
{ "email": "John.Doe@example.com", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "nationality": "IS", "sex": "m", "dateOfBirth": "2018-01-01", "phoneNumber": "+1 555 555555", "phoneNumberCountryCode": "US", "address": "123 Some st", "postCode": "234234", "state": "WA", "place": "Seattle", "country": "USA", "organization": "Some Inc.", "passportId": "AB123", "passportExpDay": "30", "passportExpMonth": "12", "passportExpYear": "2030" }
Edit Booking info
Use case : Edit booking details such as external booking reference, payment details, etc.
POST /booking.json/edit
[ // modify external booking reference for booking { "type": "EditBookingExternalRefAction", "confirmationCode": "AB-123", "externalBookingReference": "New external booking reference" }, // add a CASH payment to a booking { "type": "AddBookingPaymentAction", "bookingId": 123, "payment": { "amount": 35, "paymentType": "CASH" } }, // add a CARD payment to a booking { "type": "AddBookingPaymentAction", "bookingId": 123, "payment": { "amount": 35, "paymentType": "POINT_OF_SALE" "cardNumber": "***********5063" // optional } }, // add a VOUCHER from an external system to a booking { "type": "AddBookingPaymentAction", "bookingId": 123, "payment": { "amount": 35, "paymentType": "VOUCHER" } }, // add a CASH refund to a booking // supports POINT_OF_SALE and VOUCHER as well { "type": "RefundBookingPaymentAction", "bookingId": 123, "payment": { "amount": -15, "paymentType": "CASH" } } ]
Edit Product Booking
Use case : Edit product booking details such as passengers, date, time, discount, etc.
POST /booking.json/edit
The post body should contain a list of the actions to be applied to the bookings. Each action references a booking, so you can in fact edit multiple bookings in a single call.
The edit actions will be executed within a single transaction, in the order they appear in the JSON list.
[ // modify pick up for activity booking { "type": "ActivityPickupAction", "activityBookingId": 123, "pickup": true, "pickupPlaceId": 234, "description": "description here", "roomNumber": "101" }, // modify drop off for activity booking { "type": "ActivityDropOffAction", "activityBookingId": 123, "dropOff": true, "dropOffPlaceId": 234, "description": "description of the place" }, // add extra booking to an activity pricing category booking { "type": "AddActivityExtraBookingAction", "activityBookingId": 123, "pricingCategoryBookingId": 345, "extraId": 456, "unitCount": 1 }, // remove extra booking from an activity pricing category booking { "type": "RemoveActivityExtraBookingAction", "activityBookingId": 123, "pricingCategoryBookingId": 345, "extraBookingId": 567 }, // edit extra booking on an activity pricing category booking { "type": "EditActivityExtraBookingAction", "activityBookingId": 123, "pricingCategoryBookingId": 345, "extraBookingId": 456, "unitCount": 1 }, // update discount % for an activity booking { "type": "EditActivityDiscountAction", "activityBookingId": 123, "discountPercentage": 10, "applyToExtras": true, "applyToPickupAndDropoff": false }, // add participant to an activity booking { "type": "AddParticipantAction", "activityBookingId": 123, "pricingCategoryBooking": { "pricingCategoryId": 111, "age": 12, "leadPassenger": true, "passengerInfo": { "firstName": "Jane", "lastName": "Smith" }, "extras": [ { "extraId": 222, "unitCount": 1, "answers": [{ "name": "extra-info", "answers": [{ "type": "extra-question", "answer": "Large", "questionId": 333 }] } ] } ] } }, // remove participant from an activity booking { "type": "RemoveParticipantAction", "activityBookingId": 123, "pricingCategoryBookingId": 345 }, // edit a participant (pricing category booking) { "type": "EditParticipantAction", "activityBookingId": 123, "pricingCategoryBookingId": 345, "pricingCategoryBooking": { "passengerInfo": { "firstName": "Jane", "lastName": "Smith" }, "age": 10 } }, // modify the date for an activity booking { "type": "ActivityChangeDateAction", "activityBookingId": 123, "date": "2016-05-15", "startTimeId": 999, "flexOption": "Afternoon departure" }, // modify a customized activity booking (Optional fields keep previous values) { // required "type": "ActivityChangeCustomizedAction", "activityBookingId": 123, // optional "date": "2024-01-24", "customizedTitle": "Special customized booking", "customizedDurationWeeks": 0, "customizedDurationDays": 0, "customizedDurationHours": 2, "customizedDurationMinutes": 15, "customizedTime": "23:23", "passengers": [ { pricingCategoryId: 123 }, { pricingCategoryId: 123 }, { pricingCategoryId: 321 }, ] }, // Edit answer { "type": "EditAnswerAction", "answerId": 123, "answer": "Vegetarian" }, // Remove answer { "type": "RemoveAnswerAction", "answerId": 123 } ]