Requirements for Public Apps on Bókun App Store

The following requirements are used at Bókun to review all public apps. They're intended to provide the best experience across the entire app lifecycle, from branding, to installation, to onboarding, functionality, and quality. By following them, you can make sure that the review process is as quick as possible when you submit your own apps.

App Listing

The app listing is your calling card - it helps vendors find your app and understand how it can help them run their businesses. Your listing explains the features, user interface, and functionality of your app. Your listing should clearly communicate functionality and pricing so that vendors can quickly understand the benefits of your app.

Writing your App Listing

The app listing is your first point of contact with a merchant, and it's where they'll look to see if your app is right for them. All approved public apps have a listing on the Bókun App Store.

The listing is often your biggest marketing tool — an effective app listing encourages Bókun vendors to try your app for themselves. Make sure that your app listing is clear, and that it answers the questions that a potential user might have.

The app listing submission form lets you highlight app features so vendors can easily see what your app can do for them, and provides clear pricing information.

App name and tagline

Your app name is an important part of how you brand yourself to vendors and how they refer to your app.

  1. The app name can't include the word "Bókun"
  1. The app name must be 30 characters or fewer.
  1. The app name can't include the name of your Bókun Partner account, because it appears beside the app name on the Bókun App Store.

Your tagline should be unique and summarise your app to help promote it. Similarly to the name requirements, your tagline can't contain "Bókun" or the name of your Bókun Partner account.

App icon

You can add and update your app icon from the app submission form. When making your app icon, follow these guidelines:

  1. The app icon's dimensions should be 1200px by 1200px.
  1. Don't include text in your app icon.
  1. Don't include screenshots or photographs in your app icon.
  1. Use padding around your app icon. Your logo shouldn't touch the edge of the image.
  1. Keep the corners square. The image's corners are automatically rounded when it's displayed.
  1. Use bold colors and recognisable patterns.
  1. Make it simple and focus on one or two elements. Visual clutter can make an image less effective.

Search terms

The Search terms field lets you enter a maximum of five search terms for your app. To help vendors discover your app, include only relevant terms that you want to rank higher when vendors search the Bókun App Store.

Follow these guidelines when picking your search terms:

  1. Use complete words. For example, use "operations" instead of "operati" or another partial form of the word.
  1. Include the single, complete form of a term instead of several versions of the same term. For example, if you include "operations" as a search term, then you don't need to include other terms such as "operate".
  1. Don't include "Bókun" in any of your search terms.
  1. Don't list your competitors as a search term. If you do, then we'll reject your app submission.
  1. Don't convey more than one idea in a single search term. For example, "email marketing" is appropriate, but "email marketing for leads" is not.

Promotional video

A promotional video isn't mandatory, but we strongly recommend including one to help show vendors more about your app. The promotional video should be created to promote the core features and functionality of your app and how it interacts with Bókun. Merchants want an honest picture of what to expect from your app and how it will help them run their businesses. An effective promotional video will encourage the merchant to take a deeper look through your app listing to learn more about the features that were introduced in the video.

Follow these guidelines when making your promotional video:

  1. The video should be no longer than 2-3 minutes.
  1. Don't include long screencasts of someone using the application. Up to 25% of the video can use screencasts for demoing features, but the video should be promotional, not instructional.
  1. Be mindful of any third-party logos or elements that you include in the promotional video to avoid potential trademark issues.

Key Benefits

This section lets you highlight three key benefits that your app offers to vendors. You can include an image for each benefit and a brief description about the problem that each benefit solves.

Make sure to use this space to speak to the vendor's needs, not the specifics of how a particular feature works. You can talk about specific features in the "Detailed description" section.


In the Screenshots section, you must provide screenshots to show what your user interface looks like in action. Add annotations or highlighting to draw attention to important elements.

Follow these guidelines when you're preparing screenshots:

  • Each screenshot's dimensions should be 1600px by 900px (16:9) for desktop, and 900px by 1600px (9:16) for mobile.
  • Include between 3-6 screenshots of your app on desktop.
  • Include at least one screenshot of your app's user interface.
  • Don't include desktop backgrounds and browser windows in your screenshots. Crop them, so your images aren't cluttered and don't distract merchants from your app.
  • Your mobile screenshots should not be duplicates of your desktop screenshots. This means they must display the responsiveness of your user interface when viewed on a mobile device.

Detailed Description

The Detailed description field gives you 4000 characters to tell vendors all about your app. This field supports a limited set of Markdown formatting options. Markdown is simpler to use and less error-prone than HTML because it requires fewer tags.

Follow these guidelines when writing your detailed description:

  • Explain each of your app's key features in detail. Vendors want to know what your app is capable of doing for their store.
  • Don't use special characters or emojis in your description.
  • Don't include testimonials in the detailed description.
  • Don't use personal vendor information without consent from the vendor.
  • Don't include links and URLs in the detailed description. The submission form lets you provide links to your website, where you can host whatever additional information.
  • Don't include support information such as emails and phone numbers in your detailed description. There are separate fields for the support information.
  • Don't include data or statistics in your detailed description since Bókun can't confirm this data. Feel free to share this information on your website.
  • Don't mention Bókun competitors except in specific cases (Example: If your app is mentioning how it migrates data from other platforms to Bókun).


The Integrations field lets you list a maximum of six integrations. If your app has more than six integrations, then list the ones that merchants will be most interested in.

Don't include Bókun in your list of integrations.


The pricing section lets you clarify app pricing information for vendors. Pricing configuration is specified in the app setup page, but you can describe the pricing in the listing page.

There are three primary billing methods that you can use for your app:

  • Free to install
    • Select this option if you won't charge the vendor anything for installing the app.
  • Recurring charge
    • Select this option if you will charge the vendor each month (every 30 days) or each year that they have the app installed. If you select this option, then you'll be able to add information about the different monthly or yearly plans that you offer.
  • One time fee
    • Select this option if you will charge the merchant a single fee for installing the app.

Setting up price plans for recurring charges

If your app pricing is recurring, then you need to add at least one price plan. This is done from the app detail page. When you create a price plan, you specify whether it is free, billed monthly, or billed yearly:

  • If your app charges the vendor monthly, then select Monthly charge and enter the amount that the merchant will be charged every 30-day billing cycle.
  • If you offer a monthly plan that also has a discount option for the vendor to make a one-time yearly payment, then select Monthly charge and enter both the regular monthly charge and the discounted yearly charge. For example, if you have a plan that is $150 per month and you offer a yearly discounted price of $1200 a year, then enter $150 for the amount billed every 30 days and $1200 for the amount billed as one charge per year.
  • If you offer a plan with a recurring charge that has only a yearly charge option, then select Yearly charge and enter the total charge per year. For example, if you have a yearly plan that is $1200, then enter $1200 for the amount billed as one charge per year.
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